General Committee Meeting - January 2022

On a wet and windy first Saturday after the New Year, we met on Zoom. Unfortunately, our Master, Rob had work commitments and so could not attend but Jonathan ably stood in as chairman. We started by remembering Alan Baldock who sadly died just before Christmas. Alan was a Vice President, past Master, CCCBR member for Sussex, current Peal Secretary.... He has been such a big part of ringing in Sussex and beyond.

Our tasks on the Agenda were to review the various rules and regulations of the Association. We spent some time on Safeguarding. A complex and delicate topic in the safe hands of Val Clay. The message is that we all need to think carefully about our responsibilities and help those organising our meetings. We should all make ourselves aware of this topic and check with our local PCC’s to make sure we all stay within the law.

Money always crops up. We have a surplus in our general account and so no need to increase subscriptions. It remains at £8. Despite this, there are a number of Towers where members have not felt it worthwhile to renew. There is so much work done in the background by Officers of the Association. We all owe it to them to make the effort to be involved to ensure ringing continues into the future. With the renewal form this year, we are all to be asked if we could give to the Bell Restoration Fund. Members have in the past complained that this money sits there doing nothing. The BRF has been very busy in the last year or so helping projects and the fund is now almost all gone. £2 each is suggested but why not give more ? Details are on the website including how to Gift Aid. Churches are struggling generally and unlikely to give bells any priority and so we need to help where we can.

The AGM is coming up in May. We need a new Master, Peal Secretary, and Bell Restoration Fund Secretary. We also need volunteers to head the Training & Recruitment and the Communications & Events Teams. Are you able to take on any of these responsibilities? Please make contact with Rob Lane if you need to know more.

The District Secretaries reported that Christmas covid restrictions have dampened enthusiasm for actual meetings but ADM’s are being planned for February. Do try to get to a meeting if you are able. Look out for details.

A small working party is reviewing the contents and purpose of the Library. There is an Insurance cost to us plus an ongoing responsibility of looking after it. Members will be asked to consider any recommendations at the AGM.

The Committee meets again in March. Hopefully, with the longer days and better weather, we will be able to all get out and meet and get bellringing going again. Do try to get involved and support the Association.

Mark Dawkins

Ardingly & West Hoathly - working together!

Change to Joint Practice

Local ringers will be aware that, for some years now, our two towers have combined our practice nights by arranging to ring at each tower on alternate Thursdays. This has had a very positive effect on established and new ringers by ensuring we always have sufficient ringers to bring on new members and also to satisfy those who want to try new methods. This has also been useful in that we can more effectively help each other out with weddings and other commitments at a time when ringers are sometimes scarce, busy elsewhere or on holidays.

With winter fast approaching, accompanied by dark nights and colder, wet weather we have been considering how best to continue. As most of us are no longer working, we feel that we should change to Friday morning practices, again alternating between our towers, commencing at 10.00am and, with a break for coffee, ending at 12.00. These arrangements have been agreed with the respective Rectors and may only be affected should some other church event prevent us ringing on any one date.

This new arrangement will start on Friday, 5th November, at West Hoathly, followed by 12th November at Ardingly and so on. Our usual ringers will of course routinely be kept informed by email but it would be wise for any visitors (and you will be more than welcome) to check with either Rachel of myself before coming, just to avoid a wasted journey.

May I remind visitors to Ardingly NOT to park in Church Lane but, instead, to park in the lay-byes outside the Church Centre, 100 yards before the church itself.

Lynn Wilson (Ardingly Tower Captain)

ART course at Arundel - training the trainer

ART logo

Are you interested in attending an ART course on learning to teach people to ring? We propose running one of these courses at Arundel sometime in the New Year but need to know if there is enough interest to make it viable.

If you are interested in attending, let Moya know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – no commitment at the moment (cost £20)

General Committee Meeting - June 2021

How can you beat going to the June SCACR General Committee meeting?

What we talked about:-

Membership Trends

As you might expect, has been a small fall in membership numbers this year. Sue Gadd has produced a very useful tool showing trends over the last four years which can be broken down with District and Tower by Adult members, Junior members and Long-service members. Coloured graphs add to the excitement! Very useful for District Secretaries to highlight where there are ongoing problems at individual towers, and, perhaps, to pick up good practice from the more successful towers.

Bell Restoration Fund

Taking into account recent promised grants, the balance in the fund could well be less than £1,000 if all the grants are taken up. We need to boost the income into the fund to meet future demands. As well as the usual fund-raising activities - e.g. raffles, collections, etc – should we be asking our members to consider setting up a regular standing order using Gift Aid. Or perhaps asking them to round up their annual subscriptions. How about it? (Contact Sue Gadd for details - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Getting Back to Ringing

Districts are in the process of contacting local Towers to assess the level of support the need. Those towers that have restarted ringing have received very positive feedback from the community.

We will continue to run our 4-6 p.m. Saturday afternoon Ringing Room training session until Covid restrictions ease further. At present these extend from Plain Hunt Doubles up to Stedman Triples and are much appreciated by those taking part. We do need more helpers to keep these going. Can you spare an hour or two on a Saturday afternoon, either occasionally or on a regular basis? If so, contact Jonathan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Going forward, we realise that many of us are apprehensive about going back to the tower. Accordingly, the Districts will be looking to establish at monthly “real” ringing sessions to give people the confidence to ring actual bells. The plan is also to continue our Ringing Room sessions, but perhaps on a monthly basis.

Young Ringers

Young Ringers have been meeting across the county. Future afternoon gatherings planned are:

  • 13 June: Heathfield
  • 27 June: Arundel
  • 18 July: Rodmell (probably)
  • 30 July: outing to Hastings

Do encourage any youngsters (25 or under) to come along. Contact Marisa for details (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Jonathan Franklin

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Upcoming Events

Sat Sep 21 @14:00
10 Bell Practice
Sat Sep 28 @10:15
Surprise Minor Practice
Fri Oct 04 @19:30
General 8 Bell Practice