General Committee Meeting - March 2022

committee screenshot

Spring is here...

And that means the General Committee meets to set the world to rights. It was Janice’s first experience of the “Great and the Good” of the Association (or so we like to think of ourselves!) - welcome Janice – and also Rob’s last such meeting being able to boss us all around as Master before he retires in May.

We were on-line again - Zoom is wonderful as it means that we do not have to drive halfway across Sussex and back. Not only that, we can do the crossword (or Wordle) if we are getting bored and slurp coffee without being noticed! 

Apart from the usual business of approving reports for 2021 and being amazed at Sue’s expertise in produced the annual accounts, all sorts of interesting things were discussed:

Read more: General Committee Meeting - March 2022

Memorial service for John Howard (East Grinstead ringer)


John was Treasurer of our Association from 1976 until 1991 and an Honorary Life Member until he passed away in 2020. For many years he rang at East Grinstead and was one of those who was instrumental in having the new ring of ten installed at the tower followed by the augmentation to twelve.

Due to Covid restrictions only a small family funeral could be held; John's family have now arranged an event to remember him. This will be held in the church hall at East Grinstead starting at 2pm on Saturday, 5th February. It will be an informal gathering for tea and refreshments, in addition the bells will be available for those wishing to have a ring.

Numbers are required for catering purposes to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Memorial service for Angela Long (Westham ringer)

A Memorial service to celebrate Angela Long's life is being held on Wednesday 26th January at St Mary's Westham.
Open Ringing from 1.30pm. Service at 2.30pm.
Followed by tea & cakes provided by WI.
All welcome.
Angela passed away a year ago and due to Covid restrictions could only have a small funeral. She learnt to ring at Westham, tagught by Alan and was an active member of the SCACR.

General Committee Meeting - January 2022

On a wet and windy first Saturday after the New Year, we met on Zoom. Unfortunately, our Master, Rob had work commitments and so could not attend but Jonathan ably stood in as chairman. We started by remembering Alan Baldock who sadly died just before Christmas. Alan was a Vice President, past Master, CCCBR member for Sussex, current Peal Secretary.... He has been such a big part of ringing in Sussex and beyond.

Our tasks on the Agenda were to review the various rules and regulations of the Association. We spent some time on Safeguarding. A complex and delicate topic in the safe hands of Val Clay. The message is that we all need to think carefully about our responsibilities and help those organising our meetings. We should all make ourselves aware of this topic and check with our local PCC’s to make sure we all stay within the law.

Money always crops up. We have a surplus in our general account and so no need to increase subscriptions. It remains at £8. Despite this, there are a number of Towers where members have not felt it worthwhile to renew. There is so much work done in the background by Officers of the Association. We all owe it to them to make the effort to be involved to ensure ringing continues into the future. With the renewal form this year, we are all to be asked if we could give to the Bell Restoration Fund. Members have in the past complained that this money sits there doing nothing. The BRF has been very busy in the last year or so helping projects and the fund is now almost all gone. £2 each is suggested but why not give more ? Details are on the website including how to Gift Aid. Churches are struggling generally and unlikely to give bells any priority and so we need to help where we can.

The AGM is coming up in May. We need a new Master, Peal Secretary, and Bell Restoration Fund Secretary. We also need volunteers to head the Training & Recruitment and the Communications & Events Teams. Are you able to take on any of these responsibilities? Please make contact with Rob Lane if you need to know more.

The District Secretaries reported that Christmas covid restrictions have dampened enthusiasm for actual meetings but ADM’s are being planned for February. Do try to get to a meeting if you are able. Look out for details.

A small working party is reviewing the contents and purpose of the Library. There is an Insurance cost to us plus an ongoing responsibility of looking after it. Members will be asked to consider any recommendations at the AGM.

The Committee meets again in March. Hopefully, with the longer days and better weather, we will be able to all get out and meet and get bellringing going again. Do try to get involved and support the Association.

Mark Dawkins

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