Other Documents

Listed below are documents relating to the association, covering a range of topics. If you can't find what you are looking for or you spot an omission or error, then please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SCACR Privacy Policy

SCACR Insurance Policy (documents pending)

SCACR Health and Safety Policy (June 2020)

SCACR Event Record Form (pdf) (docx)

SCACR District Map (basic PDF only; use the interactive Tower Map for full details)

Bell Maintenance Course Notes


Event Organiser Guidelines (Nov 2020)

Risk Assessment must be completed for all events by the organiser.

Financial Documents

Financial Policy (Oct 2024) (pdf)

Expenses Policy (Oct 2024) (pdf)

Expenses Form (Oct 2022) (pdf) (word)

Gift Aid Form (Oct 2022)

Association Rules - Competition Rules

A copy of the rules for a range of striking competitions can be found below:

SCACR Call Change Competition Rules (Western District)

SCACR Method Ringing Competition Rules (Western District)

SCACR Striking Competition Rules (Southern District)