Hamish McNaughton

Many members are already aware that Hamish has been unwell for a couple of months. Sadly, I have to announce that he has had to stand down as our General Secretary. Rob Lane has kindly agreed to take over from Hamish in the interim period up to the next annual meeting. Rob can be contacted via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hamish has started treatment for his cancer at home under the Royal Marsden hospital. Please remember Hamish, Sue and all their family in your prayers at this difficult time.

Gareth Higgs (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Thank you from the Master - ringing for HM QEII

I would to thank everyone who took park in ringing over the past couple of weeks to mark the death and state funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. I know your efforts were greatly appreciated across the county. Particular thanks go to steeplekeepers and their assistants for putting muffles on, off, on, off... and in several cases showing great ingenuity with carpet and tyres!

On a personal note, I was diagnosed with a torn retina in my left eye late on Wednesday afternoon and within 24 hours I had had it repaired. Who says the NHS has long waiting lists! Unfortunately I am unlikely to be on the end of a bell rope much before Christmas but hope to continue traveling around the county to meet as many of you as possible as soon as I'm allowed to drive again.

Best wishes to you all

 Gareth Higgs (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

HM Queen Elizabeth II and Operation London Bridge

Many ringers will be saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth II and will wish to mark this historic moment appropriately.  The recently updated "Operation London Bridge" guidance for bellringers is available here. This guidance was produced by the Central Council in consultation with the Church of England.

Summary of Guidance

  • Bells should be rung half or fully muffled depending on how many muffles you have. If you have enough muffles it would be appropriate to ring fully muffled with the tenor backstroke open.
  • Ringers are encouraged to ring at 12 noon on Friday 9th September, for one hour if possible.
  • Provided that ringing has been approved by the church authorities and does not conflict with other guidance, longer lengths of ringing may be appropriate.
  • If you have weddings that have booked the bells in the next 10 days, your tower captain should discuss with the incumbent whether or not the bells should be rung.
  • Ringing over the next 10 days: 
    - Bells should remain half or fully muffled until the day that the Palace proclaims the new Monarch.  At that point bells should be rung open in celebration of the accession at a practicable time (again, with the agreement of the church) following the announcement.
    - Bells should then revert to being rung half or fully muffled until the day of the state funeral (10 days after the announcement of the death).
    - On the day of the funeral bells should be tolled for the hour immediately prior to the time of the Funeral Service. This may afford those an opportunity to ring a quarter peal, but general ringing or tolling would be acceptable.
Notes on ringing muffled
Two muffles can be fitted, one on each side of the clapper, to fully muffle the bell. For safety reasons, muffles should always be fitted and removed with the bells down. To muffle the backstroke, put the muffle on the side of the clapper that is furthest away from the rope. To muffle the handstroke, put the muffle on the side of the clapper that is nearest to the rope. 
Bellboard event
Ringing in memory of The Queen may be linked to the Bellboard event for this occasion.
We appreciate that some bands may need additional ringers to make up numbers; we encourage you to make use of the SCACR Facebook group to request assistance from other ringers.
Please check the Central Council website for further guidance.

Sussex Memorial Weekend - 2-5 September

Instead of the usual quarter peal week, Sussex Memorial Weekend will be taking place on Friday 2nd to Monday 5th September 2022. 

The aim of this event is to commemorate the lives of those who have been lost over the past few years. These may be specific individuals (e.g. ringers, or those who supported ringing), or more general performances in memory of those lost to COVID.  

We are encouraging ringers to "ring a first" - this could be a first performance of call changes registered on Bellboard, first quarter peal, first quarter inside, first in method, first peal, etc; on handbells or tower bells...  Please get in touch with your District Secretary if you would like help to find a band or a venue.

Bellboard event, "Sussex Memorial Weekend" has been created - please link your performances to this event. 

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