Association AGM - Saturday 8th May 2021

The Annual General Meeting of the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers will be held on Saturday 8th May 2021 at 10:00.

Due to the ongoing COVID restrictions preventing us from meeting in person, the AGM will be held remotely via Zoom, the link to the meeting was emailed to all members on 2nd May. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request the Zoom details. Voting during the meeting will be carried out using the 'polling' function of Zoom.

The agenda for the 2020 Annual General Meeting is available online here.

The minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting, and a report into the 2020 alternative Annual General Meeting are available here.

Prior to the meeting starting, and also afterwards, there will be an opportunity to catch up with friends in breakout rooms and join in ringing utilising virtual towers in Ringing Room; the meeting room will be open from 09:00.

Annual Report

An electronic copy of the report for 2020 and handbook for 2021 is available for download here. The password was emailed to all members on 2nd May 2021, and is available on-request from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the AGM, and hope to be able to ring with you again soon!

Best Wishes,

Rob Lane

Book your place on a Recovery Convention talk (or beer tasting!)

A week-long programme of talks starting on 8th May, around the topic of restarting ringing and coming back stronger - finishing up with online beer tasting! Open to all, whether new learners or experienced tower captains; there's something for everyone.

The presentations will be via Zoom and are aimed at anyone who wants to make Ringing Recovery a success.

More information and register 

Read more: Book your place on a Recovery Convention talk (or beer tasting!)

Calling all young ringers!

If you're aged under 25, or know someone who is, we are re-establishing the young ringers group in Sussex.

Under the leadership of Marisa Hayes, Ringmer ringer and mum of new ringer Abigail, the first series of meet ups are happening in May. On three Sunday afternoons, 9th, 16th and 23rd May, there is an opportunity to get to know any young ringers and their families at different locations in Sussex.

On Sunday 9th, from 2-3.30pm, we start at Ashburnham Place nr Battle, East Sussex. Admission to the grounds is free, there's plenty of space for games and handbells, plus a tea room the adults can enjoy!

Other venues tbc, but please register your interest with Marisa via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you would like to host the young ringers, please do let Marisa know. Although technically we could, we shan't be asking for access to church bells just yet, but we hope that it won't be long!

If you're over 25 and would still like to support us, you will already know that all young ringers activities are fuelled by copious amounts of cake! If you'd like to join our band of bakers, please let Marisa know - we are happy to reimburse costs!

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

We are saddened by the news that Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, died on 9th April aged 99. He had been dedicated to Her Majesty the Queen and the many interests for which he was Patron. His legacy of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme has benefited bell ringing through service and activities for young people.

Guidance for ringing for the Duke of Edinburgh

Following conversations with the Church of England today, half-muffled tolling or chiming of a single bell on Saturday 10th April 2021 at 12 noon, 99 times or up to 5 minutes is recommended following the announcement of the death the Duke of Edinburgh. The Cabinet Office has declared 8 days of official mourning, during which time any other ringing should be half-muffled and in accordance with current Covid-19 restrictions. Half-muffled tolling or chiming of a single bell is recommended on the day of the funeral. There is no special dispensation of current ringing guidance on Sunday.

Republished from

Ringing for the funeral of HRH Duke of Edinburgh (UPDATED 12 April 2021)

What the Church is expecting is tolling of a single bell during the hour before the funeral, which starts with a minute’s silence at 3pm on Saturday. You don’t need to toll for the full hour, just during the hour, e.g. up to 3pm. Half muffled preferred, but a single bell tolling slowly whether half muffled, fully muffled, or even unmuffled, will have the desired effect.

Republished from

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