Alan Collings nominated for Honorary Life Membership
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Published: Thursday, 30 April 2020 21:43
At the March 2020 General Committee Meeting a nomination for Alan Collings to receive Honorary Life Membership was made by Alison Everett. This was subsequently seconded by Sue Gadd. The General Committee Meeting voted to put this forward to the AGM.
The proposal was received from Alison Everett, and below she has kindly written a supporting statement:
'Alan came to Sussex 18 years ago via Surrey, originally from Devon.
He has been ringing since he was 16, over 60 years ago.
Read more: Alan Collings nominated for Honorary Life Membership
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - A Further Update
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Published: Saturday, 28 March 2020 15:11
Since I last wrote, a little over ten days ago, life in our country has been turned on its head and is now unrecognisable.
In a televised address on Monday 23rd March the Prime Minister Boris Johnson made an unprecedented peacetime speech, which introduced further restrictions on freedom of movement to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
A few days later and we now find that Coronavirus has impressed itself upon those at the top level of Government with Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and Chris Whitty becoming symptomatic. His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales has also tested positive after experiencing mild symptoms.
This only serves to remind us of why social distancing is important and needs to be adhered to. The disease is ruthless and doesn't discriminate against who it infects.
Read more: Coronavirus (COVID-19) - A Further Update