COVID-19 and ringing (5th May 2020)
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Published: Thursday, 07 May 2020 08:43
It is expected that the UK Government will announce plans for a gentle easing of the current lockdown on Sunday 10th May and ringers have already been asking if that means they may return to ringing as normal. The key consideration at all times must be the safety of individual ringers, others with whom they ring and those with whom they live or may come into contact.
We do not know what the Government will propose but it is clear that, as lockdown is gradually eased, the re-opening of sections of the economy will be a priority and major restrictions on the activities of all of us will remain in place for a significant period. Government and public health teams working with others will be maintaining a very close watch on new cases and hospitalization of people with COVID-19. Ways of tracking of where such patients have been and tracing of all of their contacts will be key. All of this will take time to put in place.
The Central Council’s guidance to ringers is that currently it is too early for any return to ringing and that the current suspension of all ringing of any kind should remain in place. This includes chiming of single bells and the use of Ellacombe chimes.
Read the full statement from the Central Council here:
2020 Annual General Meeting and Annual Report
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Published: Friday, 01 May 2020 10:16
Dear members,
I hope this email finds you well.
The last few weeks have been tough. Living under difficult lockdown restrictions has put immense strain on our lives both physically and mentally. For many of us ringing is an integral part of our lives, more than just a hobby, and it has been hard not to see our ringing friends.
In my last update to the Association I promised that the Steering Group would be meeting to discuss the implications of cancelling the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers. This meeting was held virtually using Zoom video conferencing. The Steering Group was set up at the 2018 AGM and comprises Master, Secretary, Treasurer and Trustees.
Read more: 2020 Annual General Meeting and Annual Report