Central Council Paper - Updated May 2015

A further paper has been submitted for consideration at the forthcoming Central Council of Church Bell Ringers meeting later this month.


This paper considers the future of recruitment and comes up with some centrally-led projects. Your central council representatives would be pleased to hear your views on these suggestions along with comments on any other matte

Read more: Central Council Paper - Updated May 2015

Ringing for VE Day - Saturday 9 May 2015

A request has been received by the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers from Government for bells to be rung to mark the 70th Anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE Day). If possible, the desire is for bells to be rung at 11am on Saturday 9th May or alternatively at other convenient time over the weekend Friday to Sunday 8th-10th May. Although there are other demands for special ringing coming up we hope that this can be given due support. The Church of England has also been approached by Government so church authorities should be aware of the reason for additional ringing.

Of course this is AGM Day in Sussex but I hope that you may find a way to commemorate this special 70th Anniversary as well as being present at the AGM in Hastings.

If you are able to print and display this poster in your tower - thank you!

Central Council Paper

From the Central Council:

Not all members will be in a position to scrutinise the 17 page document, but some will be, and it is good to offer all ringers the opportunity to comment if they wish. I believe they meet on 21st March, so responses need to be by then please.

You may be aware that at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Central Council, the Methods Committee was asked to begin a consultation process on the CC

Read more: Central Council Paper

SCACR Quarter Peal Week 2015

Mark the 130th anniversary of the founding of the Association with a quarter peal in your local tower between 24-31 January 2015.

A quarter peal is a superb way of consolidating your ringing - whatever your level and experience. By ringing- a longer length, listening and getting to grips with the patterns that the bells create, you will walk away from the experience with more skills. Even a failed quarter helps develop your skills. Time n the end of a rope is never wasted :-)

You may be a budding conductor; you may know of a potential conductor... now's the opportunity.

If you need help finding a conductor or additional ringers, why not email around

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