SCACR Vision - updated

An update from the General Secretary 18 January:

I have today circulated minutes of the committee meeting to all attendees. General_Committee_Jan_2014.pdf

During the course of the week it has become apparent that one key point which was agreed at the meeting was genuinely overlooked: Please note: There are to be no changes imposed on the Divisional Boundaries.

Whilst many members of the committee can see the value of smaller local level areas or hubs, there will be no changes to the Divisional structure.

It is not the wish of the Working Group to push through any changes which were not agreed by the meeting. Everyone is in agreement that there have been some positive changes as a result of the summer's discussion groups and it's hoped that things will develop naturally.

Read more: SCACR Vision - updated

Ringing for Stedman

Ringers of Sussex are invited to mark the Tercentenary of the burial of Fabian Stedman.

Fabian Stedman is probably the most famous ringer and he had an enormous influence on the development of change ringing by publishing the first books on the subject. He was buried on 16th November 1713.

The Central Council is encouraging all ringers to mark this anniversary by ringing on or as close as possible to Saturday 16th November 2013, and to use the event to seek as much publicity as possible for your ringing, local bands and for ringing in general. John Harrison (CCCBR PR Committee)

Take a look at the Central Council website for touches of Stedman (300 changes), peal and quarter peal compositions and find yours

A Vision - update

Just to keep you up to date:

The eight discussion groups held across the Association are now complete and thank you to the local ringers for making the venue arrangements.

Also, thank you to the 142 ringers from 69 different towers who came along to the groups to meet with us and to those of you who have sent comments via email.

We very much appreciate your time and contributions. All the ideas, comments, suggestions, views will be considered by the working group at their next meeting at the end of July.

It has certainly been a valuable opportunity to meet with so many of you across the County and to hear your views on the current state of ringing in

Nigel's LEJOG - he did it!

From Nigel Gale:

I'm delighted to report that I reached John O'Groats yesterday lunchtime, to schedule, just under 12 days after leaving Land's End. After a long train ride south today I am now safely back home in Horsham.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable expedition, all 1060 LEJOG miles of it (plus around another 140 "other" miles). I was extremely lucky with the weather: mostly had a following wind, only about 3 hours of rain in the whole time, and - remarkably - not a single puncture. It could hardly have gone better. If anyone is considering doing the same or something similar, I definitely recommend it.

The full report appears in the latest edition of Soundbow - available from Kathy Howard and in the meantime I would like t

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