AGM 2014 News

Val Burgess and Christine Baldock

The 129th AGM took place on 10th May at Uckfield and was attended by over 80 members.

The day started with with ringing at Barcombe, Maresfield and Little Horsted.

Over 40 members enjoyed a superb ploughman's lunch laid on by Clare Cullen and as the crowd gathered for the 2pm start of business, Adele Potton and Marisa Hayes ran an auction of SCACR branded clothing.

The Master opened the meeting by inviting everyone to stand in memory of the SCACR members who had died during the last year. The business of the meeting was swiftly concluded with the Officers' Reports being taken as read. The Treasurer reported on the Accounts - her final report after 13 years of faithful and sterling service.

The main business of the day was the proposal from Anne Franklin and Stephen Beckingham to adopt a new set of rules (as previously documented) and the ensuing discussion which was lively and well managed by the Master in the chair. The motion which was carried by the majority was put by Jane Wilkinson and seconded by Geoff Rix 'that this meeting accepts 'in principle' and with much gratitude the new draft rules and asks the Officers to bring

Needless to say, this outcome was a huge disappointment to the team who have worked together for over a year to modernise and simplify the rules but there was significant support for the changes suggested and the work of a small team (details to be confirmed) will be undertaken swiftly to ensure the momentum is not lost. A full set of minutes will be available shortly.

In other parts of the AGM, a programme of Association-wide events was publicised, Val Burgess was thanked for her service to the Association as Treasurer and Roy Cox was presented with a certificate to mark his 50 years of membership.Christine Roy 50years

The day concluded with ringing and a service at the Church of the Holy Cross where we were warmly welcomed by Father Martin Onions.

I would like to express my thanks to everyone involved in AGM Day, from those who opened towers and rang ringing, to the catering team and washer uppers and those who put away tables and swept floors. It is a joy to be part of the wider family of SCACR. My particular thanks to the Rector of Uckfield for welcoming us and to John Howes (organist from Ringmer) for stepping in at short notice.

Marisa Hayes


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