From the Master (Autumn 2018)

Summer has been and gone, a fading memory but a great one at that! As I sit here writing my foreword to the Autumn edition of Soundbow the wind is howling, and the rain is lashing the windows, autumn is here for sure.

Looking back to the summer it was one of great success for the association, two stunning wins at striking contests, and excellent progress being made in the recruitment and teaching of new ringers as part of the Ringing Remembers campaign.

Our young ringers won the Gold Medal for their test piece of Call Changes in the Ringing World National Youth Contest at Garlickhythe on 7th July, and received the Whitechapel Trophy for the overall contest with the ringing graded as an A.

Two months later and Saturday 8th September saw the association host the Essex Trophy striking competition at Horsham. Seven teams took part, each ringing a whole course of Yorkshire Surprise Royal. Despite being drawn last Sussex went on to deliver a first-class piece of ringing, described by the judges as Birmingham-esque. Those who follow the National 12 Bell will be familiar with their well struck ringing. Victory was clearly won with our striking pegged at 88% accuracy, the nearest rivals being Surrey on 76%. 2018 was the second consecutive win for Sussex in the Essex Trophy, will 2019 be a third?

I would like to extend my thanks to all those who took part in these competitions, the ringers, the helpers and supporters – you all should be justifiably proud!
Looking ahead to November and the centenary of Armistice Day, the Ringing Remembers campaign has been making great strides in recruiting new ringers for Sussex. At the last count we are up to 98 new ringers within the county, a welcome boost to our local bands. Over the summer I found time to help at Aldrington with the teaching of their new recuits, to see newcomers to the exercise finding their feet is really rewarding. I look forward to going back and seeing how they are progressing as a newly expanded band.

As the dark months drawn in it gives us time to focus on our own ringing, improve our striking and make a move onto the next rung of the ladder. We are lucky in Sussex to enjoy a number of events organised by each district, all of which can help further your ringing. Please do make the effort to come along and support them. Check out the SCACR website for more details of what is happening in your local area, if you’d like something specific to be organised please get in touch.

Finally, I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who has given me great words of encouragement as I settle into the role of Acting Master, it’s really appreciated. We have a great team of ringers here in Sussex and I look forward to us all making good progress together!

Enjoy your ringing!

Rob Lane (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Master's Mutterings (Spring 2018)

The clocks have changed to summer time and we are being led to believe that spring is here. Well perhaps it’s almost here, the daffodils are in bloom, but it’s still quite cold, and as I write this, there is still the threat of snow. February has come and gone, with the usual tranche of District meetings, followed by a General Committee meeting in early March. Apart from standard ringing, and maybe quarter peals or even peals for some, the next item on the Association Agenda is the AGM on the second Saturday of May. This year the Southern District is hosting the event at Ditchling with the AGM taking place at Westmeston. Please look at the Events Calendar on the SCACR Website for more details.

It’s great to see more and more people wearing items from the new range of Association clothing. Many thanks to Sandra Alford for arranging this, and I believe that an order is compiled every month. Again, please look at the Association Website for more details of the range including colours and sizes. Thanks also to Moya, who has done a lot of research for a new Association Lapel Badge. I am pleased to say they arrived yesterday and will be available for purchase from your District Secretaries in the near future.

Sussex has two great events to look forward to this year. Firstly, we are hosting the South East Youth Contest at Warnham on 14th April. Then on September 8th, we will be hosting the 10 bell Essex Trophy Competition at Horsham.

My 3 year term of office as Master of our Association is almost over, and I would like to thank you all for the support I have been given. When I took over, I intended getting to as many meetings in other districts as possible, but I’m afraid I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, there always seemed to be something else to do. However, you never know, we may find more time to get to other District meetings when I retire (for the second time).

There have of course been a few problems for me to sort out as Master, but on the whole, I have enjoyed the last 3 years, and it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t thank Moya for all the support she has given me.

Graham Hills

Master's Mutterings (Winter 2016/7)

Christmas is over, and February will soon be upon us. Yes: you all know what that means, I’ve been saying it for ages. It’s the time for the Annual District Meetings. Please do go along and support these meetings, and possibly even get involved. Become a member of the District committee and help make decisions for the good of your District and our Sussex Association.

Many of you will already know that at the ADM’s, not only are people nominated to help with their District, but nominations are also taken for officers for the General Committee. All places are up for election but especially: Association Master, BRF Secretary, and Trustee to name but a few . So please do seriously think about how you could help the Association, and ask someone to nominate you, and don’t forget that if you intend to nominate a person, then you must ask their permission first.

It is well over 50 years ago that I used to travel home from Southampton to Worthing on my trusty little Honda 50 moped. That was in the days before mopeds were restricted to 30 mph, so I could just about get 42 out of it, and more if the wind was behind me. Being a glutton for punishment, after being on the moped for 2 hours getting home on a Friday evening, I then used to get back on it to go to the Saturday Practice no matter what Division it was in. (in those days we were in
Divisions). I say that because it shows that, like myself, many people used to travel quite fair distances to go ringing, and join in with another District’s events.

These days it is unusual to see new faces at Saturday practices, unless they are from the local tower, and are only there to help provide the usually fantastic ringers tea. Don’t forget, these practices are arranged by a small committee in each District, but you are entitled to go to any of them, no matter what District they are in. You will always be welcome and there is always ringing from rounds and call changes upwards, unless the practice has been advertised for a particular method.

How about making it a New Years resolution to try to get out to other towers more often. It is surprising how quickly you can learn something you may have been struggling with, when someone different tells you in a different way to how you are usually told.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the District ADM’s and then the AGM in May, this year being hosted by the Southern District.

Graham Hills

Master's Mutterings (Autumn 2017)

I mentioned as I was writing the Master’s Mutterings for the last edition of Soundbow, that our Sussex Young Ringers were looking forward to going to Birmingham to take part in the Ringing World National Youth Contest. William wrote an excellent piece for the same edition, although it now seems a long time ago. Last year we entered 2 teams for the competition in London, but there were so many entries that this year only one team from each Guild or Association could enter. Our Sussex Young Ringers rang Grandsire Triples (the only team to do so) and were placed 3rd overall, but 2nd for the method competition.

Congratulations and many thanks to all the team, and many thanks to Sandra Alford for being the responsible adult for the day.

Read more: Master's Mutterings (Autumn 2017)

Master's Mutterings (Summer 2017)

Since my last Mutterings, those of us on the Central Council, or who were part of the CRAG (Council Review Action Group) travelled to Edinburgh for the Annual Meeting. Of course the main item on the Agenda was the proposals from the CRAG team. For those of you who don’t already know, all of the motions were passed, and now for this coming year, the Central Council will have to work with the old format whilst starting to implement the new.

Read more: Master's Mutterings (Summer 2017)

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