Master's Musings June 2013

I am looking out of the patio doors to a cloudless sky watching the rabbits on the “lawn”. I love how it is at the moment with the grasses shimmering in the breeze and the daisies, dandelions and celandines giving colour but the “gardener” prefers to keep the grass short so during this week they will all disappear. A butterfly is fluttering from plant to plant and various insects buzzing around.

The first month has past in my new position and, so far, things appear to have gone smoothly. Alan and I joined the Codgers outing on the 5th when we went over the border to Kent. Friendly company, fine weather, good ringing and a good lunch made for a very pleasant day out. The next occasion was the South of England Show. A lot has already been written about this but one or two anecdotes I would like to share. A lady who was blind said that she had always wanted to have a go at bell ringing as she loved the sound of the bells. After a very short time she was able to handle the bell with no difficulty. She went away a very happy lady. A young man who was disabled, appeared to have very little co-ordination, with only three fingers on each hand and was deaf was shown once and then took over ringing the bell very competently. Again a lovely smile as he walked away. There were many more pleasing moments and what an excellent Public Relations exercise for bell ringing.

Read more: Master's Musings June 2013

Master's Blog May 2013

Saturday 11 May was quite a special day in my life. I had been approached a number of times in the past asking if I would b prepared to stand as Master of the Association but had always said I would consider it when I retired. I have now retired and someone remembered! I know it is a cliché but I feel it is an honour and I will serve the Association to the best of my ability. It was lovely to have Alan, my husband and our two daughters Rachel and Miriam for support at the meeting.

On Monday 13 I joined the Seaford ringers, and friends, who were walking the Southdowns Way. This was their third day. We started this leg at Queen Elizabeth Country Park at 10 a.m. and arrived at Cocking around 4.30 p.m.. The weather was kind and made for a very pleasant 13 mile walk. We were entertained by a Chinook helicopter which made a number of circles around us whilst we were having an afternoon snack. Each day ended with a ring at a nearby tower and Monday’s was Midhurst where we were made very welcome by the local ringers who joined us in rounds, call changes and Stedman Doubles.

Read more: Master's Blog May 2013

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