Master's Winter 2015 Mutterings

As soon as I read the last issue of Soundbow, I realised that I had made an omission in my mutterings. I'm afraid that I had totally forgotten to thank the team who travelled to Guildford to represent our Association in the Essex Trophy striking competition. A total of 6 teams entered, and Essex won, so in 2016, the competition will be taking place in Essex. Many thanks to those who gave their time to ring, and watch out as Stephen

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Master's Autumn 2015 Mutterings

The first few months as Association Master have been fairly busy, namely joining practices around the County to hand out 50 year membership certificates. The first of these visits was to Burgess Hill, where Alan Seymour had invited along so many friends of Bill Hubbard, that there was hardly room to stand let alone ring. However a good time was had by all and it was really good t

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Master's Summer 2015 Mutterings

At the General Committee Meeting last November, everyone was surprised when Christine Baldock announced that she would not be standing again for re-election as the Association Master. As the then Western District Ringing Master, I had no idea who would want to take on the role. I began phoning round the District Secretaries, and many other people who I thou

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Master's Blog May 2015

As I relinquish the post as Master of Sussex County Association this coming Saturday this will be my last Master’s Musings.

I have intimated before that the past two years have been somewhat of a roller coaster ride.  The idea of the Vision was very exciting and the team, ably led by Anne Franklin worked well together and after each meeting we all went home with homework.  At the presentation evenings there was a lot of discussion, some very pro, some very helpful constructive criticism and a few completely anti.  The Team met after these meetings, took into account the comments and The Vision was published.  The second remit was to revise the Rules.  The Team looked at going through the old rules and bringing them up to date, both the content and language.  For those of you who are familiar with “track changes” the old rules were very colourful!  Therefore, it was agreed to start from scratch.  These rules were presented to the Annual General Meeting in May 2014 and largely accepted but with some requests for tweaking.  Jane Wilkinson had her arm bent and kindly agreed to lead a new Team.  This she did in her usual efficient way and then in September, just eighteen months after the birth of The Vision, the new rules were adopted.

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Master's Christmas 2014 Musings

Committee and Team meetings have been a little like the proverbial London buses, none for some time and then four within a short time. To my shame, I forgot to go to the Training and Recruitment Team’s meeting. This was obviously a very busy meeting with a good number of training sessions being arranged. These ranged from “Kaleidoscope on Tour” “Good Practice Seminar 13th March” at Steyning and some workshops prior to the AGM in the Hastings area in May. These are innovative ideas so please do support the members of the TARTS team in their vision. The Publicity Team has also met. There is still a great need for a Team Leader. I seem to write this is in all of my various writings as Master of the Association. The meeting agreed to purchase a light weight exhibition stand that can be carried in a canvas bag by one person. At the Bell Restoration Fund meeting we enjoyed, for a few moments the antics of an uninvited guest at the home of the Graham Hills. Although the family cat had been ejected he left a little present! A tiny mouse was heard rustling behind a chair. With some deft moves by the Chairman of the Committee, the mouse was trapped, humanely, under a tin tray and put outside to join the cat! The fourth meeting was to discuss the Financial Policy for the Association. Again a very productive meeting and it is hoped that the fruits of the meeting will be presented at the next General Committee meeting.

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