Look To!

Look To! (September 2022)

Roll up, roll up for the latest edition of everyone’s favourite SCACR Eastern District Newsletter. Enjoy reports of outings at Crowhurst and Salehurst, information on the Hooe restoration, some tips for learning Stedman and much more.

I’m also excited to introduce a new feature – a serial story, which I hope will keep readers coming back to the newsletter!

As I write, the Association Memorial Weekend is about to get underway. Look out for details in the next edition, which will be published in December.

STOP PRESS – I have just received a word of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, so the publication of this edition will be a little delayed Many towers in the District will ring for this occasion and I would welcome reports of such ringing.

Look To! September 2022

Samuel Canning (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Look To! Platinum Jubilee Special (July 2022)

 Welcome to the Platinum Jubilee Special edition of Look To!, where you can read all about the exciting ringing in the Eastern District marking this historic occasion.
We are currently planning a weekend of memorial ringing in honour of Alan Baldock at the beginning of September. Look out for more information on this over the next month.

Look To! July 2022

Samuel Canning (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Look To! (June 2022)

Hello everyone! Summer is here, and many of us will be getting away. We’d love to hear all about your exciting adventures, especially those involving bells. On the other hand, when you are in Sussex, look out for some exciting events in this District and others. In this issue, read all about a ringing meeting in Bexhill, a milestone at the Forewood Ring and meet Chris Taylor, who oversees music at St Mary’s Hailsham.
The next edition will be a special Jubilee edition, featuring all the ringing from the Eastern District. Send in details of the ringing festivities at your tower by he end of July.

Look To! June 2022

Samuel Canning (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Look To! (March 2022)

Happy New Year everyone (although it won’t be that new by the time you read this). I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and we eagerly look forward to seeing plenty of ringers at the upcoming year’s events.
Unfortunately, we must also report the sad passing of Alan Baldock after a brief illness. Alan was an integral member of the ringing community in both this District and beyond and our thoughts go out to Christine and her family.
Performances in memory of Alan can be found here - Ringing World BellBoard

Look To! March 2022

Samuel Canning (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Look To! (December 2021)

Ho ho ho! By the time you read this, the nights will be drawing in, wintry weather will have arrived, and the festive season will be beginning. Many people associate bells with Christmas – just think how many carols involve them – and many churches will be filled to the brim with members of the community from all walks of life. In a sense, this is the time of year when ringing is the most important. So, whether you’re ringing Call Changes or Cambridge, let's make the ringing extra special.

In this issue – reports on events from the last three months, an interesting method for you to try, delicious recipes and more!

Look To! December 2021

Samuel Canning (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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