W&P Guild: Fundraising Tower Open Day for Ropley - 30 Sep 2023

The A&P District in the W&P Guild are organising a Fundraising Open Day at the end of September to help raise funds to restore the bells at Ropley, where the church was destroyed by fire in 2014. Fundraising to re-hang the bells is still ongoing after nearly 10 years…..so if you only support one Tower Open Day this year, make it this one!

Full details here: https://www.wpbells.org/open-day-for-ropley/

With 24 Towers situated in the South Downs National Park and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ringing in the Alton & Petersfield District is a special treat!

  • Recently augmented, restored and rarely available Towers!
  • Refreshments (bacon rolls/lunches/afternoon tea) served throughout the day.
  • All Towers manned with local ringers, so ringing can always take place on the full set of bells.
  • Prize for anyone who manages to ring at all 24 towers during the day!

Share the day with non-ringing friends, who can enjoy shopping in the lovely market towns of Alton or Petersfield, visiting Jane Austen’s house at Chawton or The Wakes Museum (Gilbert White’s house) at Selborne…..or even a trip on the Watercress Line Steam Railway!

EARLY BIRD DAY TICKETS: £18 in advance (access to all 24 open towers)

Pay on the day: £2 per Tower, or DAY TICKETS £20 (available from the Stewards at any Tower).

Any changes will be listed/notified via https://www.wpbells.org/open-day-for-ropley/

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