Sussex Young Ringers update - August 2022

The Whitechapel Trophy is firmly in the hands of Sussex Young Ringers after a superb 180 of Grandsire Doubles at St Mark’s Exeter triumphed over 6 other method teams at the Ringing World National Youth Contest.  As well as the Ringing World, you’ll see a picture of the team and trophy on the website and an article in Soundbow soon. Meanwhile Samuel and I have both been interviewed on Radio Sussex. There's also a photo of Katherine ringing the tenor at Exeter Cathedral, demonstrating that tenors are "not just a boy thing"!

The Ashdown Forest outing in July saw a number of new faces with 17 youngsters altogether (thanks to the parents and helpers who provided transport). Quote from Riley (aged 8): "It was awesome to meet young ringers of all abilities!"

We are now planning meet-ups once a month until Christmas: these will be open to all with opportunity for advanced ringing as well as time for novices.  Young ringers and their parents are welcome to register anytime – contact Marisa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07796 145464.

Marisa Hayes

RWNYC medal 2022RW cover RWNYC 2022Young Ringers ringing in Exeter 2022Young Ringers at leisure

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