Handbell Morning Report (May 2021)

The first weekend following the gradual releasing of lockdown meant a slightly reduced attendance at the handbell morning on Saturday 22nd May. However there was no reduction in the enthusiasm. Twenty hardy SCACR ringers from around the country logged on via Zoom and RingingRoom.

There were five breakout rooms, in which you could hear everything from Plain Hunt through to Kent Royal and Stedman Caters. It was great to hear people chatting in the breaks about their accomplishments during the morning and it is clear that these sessions are helping people progress. There was some discussion regarding the opportunities for regular handbell ringing prompted by a recent article in the Ringing World. It feels like SCACR have more opportunities than many other places to ensure this side of ringing receives as much support as the tower bells.

We shared stories about the return to physical ringing that is starting to happen. Although the next handbell morning will be another virtual affair, booked in the diary for 31st July, we are very hopeful that September or October may see the return of a physical event.

If you haven’t had a go at handbells yet or would like to further your skills, do sign up for the next session by contacting Hamish McNaughton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alison Lucas

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