Ringing for the 2012 Olympics

MARTIN CREED PROJECT NUMBER 1197 (http://www.allthebells.com/)

Love it or loath it, this project is getting a lot of publicity in the media. It would appear that even BBC Radio 2 is going to feature it live on the morning of Friday 27 July.

Is your tower taking part? If so, there is some information available that you might find useful. Firstly, there is the poster to say that your bells will be sounded as part of this project – perhaps you could display it on your church noticeboard? Secondly, there is a press release, issued from the The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games, containing facts about the project and Martin Creed himself.

Please do consider getting involved with the project, and make the most of this national event to raise the profile of bellringing in Sussex. If you intend to take part, perhaps let your local newspaper know as they may be interested in writing an article.




If you're planning any kind of commemorative ringing for the opening of the Olympics, certificates are now available to download as PDFs here (and as word documents from your divisional secretaries or from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Don't forget to send details of your performances (and pictures) to your divisional publicity officers in time for the next round of newsletters.






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Sat Jan 25 @10:15
Surprise Minor Practice