CRAG Part 3 - Your feedback on CC Vision and Mission

Dear Association Members,

Please find below/link to take you to the Review of the Central Council CRAG Article 3 - Your feedback on “Vision” and “Mission”. This is the latest article outlining feedback from ringers in general to date and appeared in the Ringing World 23rd December.

All Association/Guild/Society Secretaries have been asked to disseminate this article to our members by whatever means are available to us, as although some of our ringers will subscribe to the Ringing World and follow Central Council website updates, others will not. The group are also posting updates on their facebook page ‘CRAG - The CCCBR Council Review Action Group’ and Twitter feed @cccbrcrag

We will be feeding back how we have passed on this information within our own Association/Guild/Society to you all because one of the next stages of the Review, as you will see from the article, will be an online survey which should be open from January 14th.

UPDATE: 15 Jan 2017: The survey is now back online but please note that all access should now be via the CRAG mini-website which is at

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