Roll of Honour

Great War Centenary

Large numbers of bellringers from the British Isles and its Empire served in the First World War in His Majesty’s Forces on sea, land and in the air, at home and abroad, some never to return.

The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) Great War 1914-1918 Roll of Honour commemorates all those known ringers who fell. These names were collected from Association Secretaries in the early 1920’s and then inscribed into a commissioned handwritten Memorial Book. The Memorial Book was presented to the Council during the 1924 meeting.

From 1995 onwards missing names began to be added to the Memorial Book and more especially so in recent years making the listing more complete and accurate as possible. In doing this it has filled up the original Book requiring a second handwritten book to be commissioned. These Memorial Books can be viewed in a display case on the way up to the ringing chamber at St Paul’s Cathedral, London.

Images of the pages of the CC Roll of Honour are available to view online. Photographic copies of the pages of each Book together with a listing of the text are available. Each entry shows the ringer’s name, initials, home tower and society name where known.

Alan Regin

2017 - Alan Regin M.B.E., CCCBR Steward of the Rolls of Honour, at the John Taylor Bell Foundry, Loughborough, Leicestershire with the bells for St George's Memorial Church, Ypres prior to their departure.

Alan Regin M.B.E., is the current Steward of the Rolls of Honour for the CCCBR and he and his team are owed a tremendous vote of thanks for the hard work they have done to ensure that as many names as possible of those bell-ringers who fell serving their county in the Great War are commemorated.

During 2018 more SCACR bell-ringers names who lost their lives in the Great War have come to light and are now listed in the latest (March 2019) SCACR Roll of Honour pdf update. This includes a listing of all the known Sussex ringers (260) and their Home Tower who served in the Great War and returned. Perhaps you may know of someone who has been missed, if you do then please let me know.

You’re all encouraged to participate in this memorial by contributing any names, photographs or biographical details that you may have to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Roll_of_Honour.pdf - updated March 2019.

Alan Seymour
March 2019

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